The “One Another” series focuses on our relationships within the Body of Christ, as well as those relationships outside the Body.
(Listen Here or Right-click the links below and select “Save Target As” to download the messages to your device)
8-16-2015 Members One of Another
8-23-2015 Devoted To One Another
8-30-2015 Honor One Another
9-13-2015 The Same Mind
9-20-2015 Accepting One Another
9-27-2015 Admonishing One Another
10-18-2015 Greeting One Another
10-25-2015 Serving One Another, part 1
11-1-2015 Serving One Another, part 2
11-8-2015 Bearing with One Another
11-15-2015 Submitting One to Another
11-22-2015 Encouraging One Another